January 5, 2012

Month 4 You've Been GREAT

Happy 4 Months baby boy! You are such a joy to be around. And we can't thank God enough for allowing us to be your mommy and daddy!

Height: (This will be updated next week at your appointment)


Food: Still nursing big boy! We have had to give you a few bottles and learned you are eating 4-6 oz. You are quite picky about your bottles. It took us awhile to find a combo that you would use. But once we did you rocked it! We also let you start trying cereal. You have so much fun eating. But we did stop for a little big because it made your tummy hurt. But we are going to go full force with food starting next week.

Clothes: Holy Growth spurt! You wear anything from a big 3 month (and this is snug) all the way up to 9 months. This has meant lots of shopping for mommy. Your typical outfit is Jeans and a Onsie (either pocket-t or polo shirt) OR a Tshirt Onsie and some BabyLeggs (cute leggings)

Activities: You love talking to "Simon" ,your lovey, and "Hoot", the Owl hanging on your car seat. Staring at ceiling fans makes you smile. And of course bath time still. We are certian you are going to be a water baby.

Holiday: Christmas and Hanukkah were amazing. Everyone had so much fun celebrating with you. We celebrated with both the Huttenhoffs and the Skalkas (All the boys were able to make it in town for at least 1 night). And a special visit from your Great Aunt Kathy and Uncle Paul.

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